George Digianni Health And Wellness

Eating healthy is a disorder?



Coach Mo discusses the stress some people with Orthorexia-Obsessive Behavior create. A fear for being unhealthy and low quality food.   These people limit their food to only a certain few choices. They obsess and become unhealthy in their quest to be as healthy as possible.   What is the driver behind this focus?   What else are these people missing out on in life?   Orthorexia is difficult to recognize for most.   What is the level of discipline that is acceptable and where is the line that needs to be drawn to prevent becoming obsessed to the point of being unhealthy?   What are some of the signs? Coach Mo discusses the stress some people with Orthorexia-Obsessive Behavior create. A fear for being unhealthy and low quality food.   These people limit their food to only a certain few choices. They obsess and become unhealthy in their quest to be as healthy as possible.   What is the driver behind this focus?    What else are these people missing out on in life?    Orthorexia is difficult to recogniz