George Digianni Health And Wellness

Fat Loss Your way



With advances in technology and the advent of the internet, people are well informed and have read every diet book and health blog about how to lose fat.  Most people often say they know what they should be doing yet they fail to do it, and do so with consistency.   So if the lack of information is not the issue to losing and keeping fat off. What is?. Executing our learned info with consistency and the emotional impediments and habits that shape us.   So many people have intentions that extend beyond fat loss, yet they fail almost as soon as they begin to create the new habits they seek.   Have you been told you lack willpower?   Too many people experience shame and self-criticism and do not need someone else telling them they are weak.    As a health professional, it's crucial to identify how your client best receives information and what motivates them. There is no, one-off program unless you use genetic testing, but then even those results have to be implemented.   The Heath brothers who wrote, Switch. H