George Digianni Health And Wellness

Our Topic is YOU



We decided to have a show that makes you the topic.  We have no prepared topic because the topic is you and your questions and concerns. We asked for questions on Facebook and live on air.    Below are some of the questions written in, so make to sure listen to us dive in with science backed info on your health.   1. I really need to lose some weight. Type two diabetic that likes to eat, but I am using portion control.  Will walking 2 to 3 miles 3 to 4 nights a week do any good to lower my A1C?   2. What is your take on the Ketogenic way of life?   3. The AHA and others keep flip flopping on fats and oils. Fake news and click bait everywhere. What's your final answer with studies that actually had peer review as it pertains to coconut oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, butter, ghee, etc. VS. the heart, liver, cholesterol, insulin response and trigs?   4. I am actually interested in detoxifying. I am not vegetarian by far although I do wish I could maintain healthy weight on a veggie diet. I was rece