George Digianni Health And Wellness

Hair Loss



Dr, Rudman MD Formula Wellness  60% of hair loss sufferers would rather have more hair than money or friends. Almost half (47%)  of hair loss sufferers would spend their life savings to regain a full head of hair. Hair loss can be sign of something bigger- side effects of medications, too much testosterone (or DHT), autoimmune disease, low thyroid, high thyroid, severe vitamin deficiency.  (not to mention stress, anxiety both of which can cause full blown baldness) Hair takes months to grow - like fingernails its good look back at overall health and nutrition - with additional things that affect it negatively. Dr Rudman will also discuss the different theories about the causes of hair loss and the problems/benefits of medications, topicals, injections, and surgical procedures available to treat hair loss What is stem cell/microionized fat injections (ALMI procedure) and can it replace a hair transplant?