Holy Heretics

Episode 6 | Carlton Pearson and D.E. Paulk Interview | Part 1



This episode features two of the most inclusive voices in spirituality today - Bishop Carlton Pearson and Rev. D.E. Paulk. They chat with Scott and Jon about theology and many other things including Carlton's upcoming movie called "Come Sunday."  Carlton was mentored by world-renowned tele-evangelist, the late Oral Roberts. Carlton was a mega-church pastor in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but lost it all when he began to preach that there is no literal eternal-torture chamber called hell and beyond that, began preaching about the inclusive love of God. These personal beliefs that Carlton spoke of publicly set in a motion a chain of events that ultimately led to him being excommunicated by his denomination and officially branded a heretic. Carlton has since been an advocate and agent for peace and inclusion as he has spoken on numerous media outlets including: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, BET, etc. Carlton has authored numerous books (see below) and a movie about his story is currently in production entitled "Come Sunday." The lead