Holy Heretics

Episode 7 | Carlton Pearson and D.E. Paulk Interview | Part 2



This episode is part 2 of the interview with Bishop Carlton Pearson and Rev D.E. Paulk. Topics on the table include theology, toxic evangelicalism, inclusion, oneness, Carlton's movie and even a bit about Trump. Enjoy! Carlton was mentored by world-renowned tele-evangelist, the late Oral Roberts. Carlton was a mega-church pastor in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but lost it all when he began to preach that there is no literal eternal-torture chamber called hell and beyond that, began preaching about the inclusive love of God. These personal beliefs that Carlton spoke of publicly set in a motion a chain of events that ultimately led to him being excommunicated by his denomination and officially branded a heretic. Carlton has since been an advocate and agent for peace and inclusion as he has spoken on numerous media outlets including: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, BET, etc. Carlton has authored numerous books (see below) and a movie about his story is currently in production entitled "Come Sunday." The lead role of Carlton is played b