Colorful Eats

Episode 13: Beauty From Ashes: KICKcancER with Season Johnson, NTP



  Did you know that pediatric cancer is the number one leading cause of death in children under the age of 15? Today we have got a really special guest, a fellow NTP and total #momboss, Season Johnson. Season has an incredible story of making beauty from ashes that will bring you to tears, so get your tissue ready friends. Season shares her story with us about how her son Kicker was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the age of 2, a diagnosis that would change their lives in ways they could have never imagined, and how nutrition has played a massive role in how well Kicker has done. Nearly 3 years into treatment and this Momcologist has figured out how to bring hope to families struggling with this impossible diagnosis using real food and alternative therapies. Her non-profit foundation, KICKcancER, was created to educate pediatric cancer families on how to support their child’s body to help them THRIVE throughout treatment, helping families improve their well-being and quality of life. On thi