Colorful Eats

Episode 23: Daily Routine Fitness with Rachel Doell



  Our first fitness focused podcast episode (wow, try saying that 3 times fast!) is up and it’s a good one! In today’s episode we chat with the incredibly real and insanely beautiful Rachel Doell of Daily Routine Fitness about making fitness and movement a part of your everyday routine and the real challenges that come along with it. We love her take on loving your body, supporting the emotional side of your health and pushing yourself to create strength and perseverance in your life.  Rachel shares her tips on how to move to lose weight while simultaneously loving your body, how to get back into working out after baby (and why choosing sleep over movement may be better on your waistline) and how to create daily fitness goals despite your crazy schedule. There is definitely something for everyone in today’s episode.  What we enjoy most about Rachel and her take on fitness and life is her ability to role with the punches, so to speak, and find joy in family, self love and the messiness of this life.  Head