Colorful Eats

Episode 41: 3 Foundations to Balancing Female Hormones



Thank you Primally Pure for sponsoring this episode.  Listen to the podcast for a discount code for a free lip balm! On today's podcast episode, Caroline is sharing the details on her new nutrition course, Flourish: a modern lady’s guide to eliminate stress, balance hormones and embrace the full potential of living. As women we know all too well the struggles that come with hormones, but here is the beautiful fact—our bodies so desperately want to function effectively and with a little love and nourishment they truly can. In today’s episode we are sharing three foundations for how you can start balancing your hormones today. Eliminating Stress Non-Toxic Living Real Food Nourishment If you want to learn more about Caroline’s newly launched nutrition course, head over to  This hands-on workshop style course offers a holistic approach to balancing hormones and adrenal fatigue, but more importantly giving you the tools you need to truly flourish! Thank you Primally Pur