Nervous Teeth

Nervous Teeth: Episode 1



Let the Archive begin! This is the premiere Episode of Nervous Teeth. Originally broadcast August 6th, 2005. Hosted by Gareth Davies and Rod Rodriguez. Nervous Teeth top 10 stories of the week: . Loch Ness hunter dies at 65 . Bush: Schools should teach 'intelligent design' . Brain-dead woman gives birth . 'Eternal planes' to watch over us . Hacker forced new planet discovery out of the closet . Christians Code Heavenly Games . O'Reilly: I Would Execute Everyone At Gitmo . Vacationing Bush Poised to Set a Record . Satanists brutally torture and crucify 12-year-old boy . Blair vows hard line on fanatics All of the above news stories did have links to news sites, but the pages they once connected to no longer exist...