Vienna Hofburg - Imperial Apartments, Sisi Museum, Silver Collection

65 - Small Salon/Memorial Room for Emperor Maximilian of Mexico



During Franz Joseph’s time this room was used as a smoking room to which the gentlemen could retire, as it was considered impolite to smoke in the presence of ladies. Today the room commemorates Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, Franz Joseph’s younger brother. His portrait hangs on the right-hand wall. Maximilian was offered the crown of Mexico in 1864 and despite the difficult political situation there accepted it at the urging of his ambitious wife, Charlotte of Belgium, whose portrait hangs on the left-hand wall. Shortly after the couple arrived in Mexico, France withdrew its support, which meant that Maximilian was at the mercy of the revolutionary forces under the command of Benito Juarez. He was taken prisoner and eventually executed in 1867. This is the last room of the emperor’s | Download Tour-Guide (PDF)© by Schloß Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H.