

In this room the conferences of ministers took place which were always chaired by the emperor himself. The marble bust and the sword of honour on the right beside the far wall niche recall Field Marshal Radetzky, one of the most renowned military leaders of the monarchy. He was immortalised in the Radetzky March composed in his honour by Johann Strauss the Elder. The paintings show battle scenes from the Hungarian revolution of 1849. Through the open door in the background you can take a look at the “Emperor’s Wardrobe” which during Franz Joseph’s era contained wardrobes and chests of drawers in which the emperor’s clothing was kept. Franz Joseph invariably wore military uniform. Only on private journeys did he wear civilian dress; when out shooting he wore Lederhosen, a green waistcoat, walking boots and a Styrian | Download Tour-Guide (PDF)© by Schloß Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H.