The Trevor Widger Show

Trevor Widger Show: Episode 3



In this episode, "the Queen B" Stacey Hale makes her glorious return to the table. Trevor talks about trying to relax in the pool while being eaten alive, his psycho killer dream, and how he frantically tried to clean up cat puke and dog poop - but couldn't keep up with the little varmints. "Topics" for this episode include: 1. Super Heroes/Villains 2. Sex In Modern Day Society 3. Television changes over the years 4. Political offices 5. Favorite item. Be sure to stick around for the end when Trevor does his best to get through the news. With headlines from Tracy Morgan's homophobic remarks to a 38 year old man, who as a young boy was sent to experimental therapy for being too 'feminine,' and ended up committing suicide, you can be sure there's plenty of controversy in this weeks episode!!!