Conversations With Allan Wolper

Lisa Bloom: Civil Rights Lawyer, TV Legal Analyst



Lisa Bloom is an activist civil rights attorney who has won a national reputation by representing clients whose cases are on the cutting edge of woman’s issues. She appears on The Today Show, MSNBC, The Situation Room, and was a former host of Lisa Bloom Open Court on Court TV. She says she received her early training at home listening to her mother, Gloria Allred, a celebrity attorney who is often involved controversial cases involving woman’s issues. Lisa Bloom believes lawyers sometimes need to use the media to advance their client’s rights. “Most of us are taught in law school never to talk to the media when involved in a case, that, that’s the end, period,” she said in December 2012 interview on Conversations with Allan Wolper. “But that’s not really practical in today’s environment in high profile situations.” Click above to hear the entire podcast.