Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 03-25-09 Part 1



Viz is trying to pimp Cole out on Manhunt.com as a great contest or radio segment idea. After a brief talk about Coles wiener Viz was wondering if woman have similar issues with the size of their labia. Viz thinks that the type of underwear one wears determines how long your penis will be as you grow older. Viz wants to get Cole the puppetry of the penis book and create fun puppets as a possible Cole challenge. Viz suggests that the Manhunt segment could become similar to the Dating Game. After the break Viz goes on his rant about how the President is on all the channels way too much. Annie reports about a Down Syndrome mom looking to get her child laid. Any takers? She also reports about the lesbian kiss of death and lists the television shows that have done it. Viz remembers straight actors/guys kissing in gay movies. Is that hot or what?