Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 04-01-09 Part 3



In the final hour Viz wants to find the Mr. Limpy so he can show Ms. Annie. He tries to explain to her what it looks like. Cole then proceeds to tell her the cameltoe pillow story which involves the Mr. Limpy. After hearing the conversation and banter the chatters suggest that Viz and Cole will be the two old guys from the muppets – Waldorf and Statler. Annie gives us a news report. She reports on a woman who was locked in her car and couldn't get out. Is this a trend? She also reports on how someone blew up the ass of the Lenin statue in Russia. Her final story is about legalization of same sex marriages in Sweden which of course leads Viz and Cole into their best Swedish impressions. After the break the gang briefly discusses sex toys. Cole ends the show with a little story involving an irish pub, girlfriends mothers, insults and a samurai sword!