Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 04-08-09 Part 3



The boys are all alone in this one because they are without Miss Annie and Evil Gene this week. Based on the chatters in the chat room the boys were wondering if they needed to add more vagina talk to the show. For some reason the women love them some Viz and Cole. For some reason Viz comes in contact with his feminine side and gets on the subject of wanting a child of his own. Is it too much to ask a female friend to carry his child? If lesbian friends asked for your sperm would you give it to them? After the break the show leaves the wholesome side and starts to get on track. Cole tells us a story of a good deed he has done this past week. Cole does a second good deed and brings Viz rubber ducks to add to his collection. Viz tells Cole a story about a pimp in Australia who paid his whore with chicken nuggets. Was she part aborigine? Are aborigine's cave people?