Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 05-26-10 Part 3



Annie tells Viz that their guest was on earlier with another show host. Viz is not happy about this because it was the final guest on the Road to the Grabby's, and he cancelled at the last minute. Chase Brooks calls in and Viz lets him have it. Chase brings up American Idol and says who the winner is before people on the west coast even get a chance to see the show. Serious spoiler for the listeners in chat! Oops!! Chase tells his experience and what it was like to audition for American Idol and in the process lets it slip that he bottoms even thought he told Viz a few weeks ago that he only tops. Viz admits that he watched and voted for American Idol and Annie can't believe it. After the break, Ms. Annie tells Viz that the house that is the topic of "The Amityville Horror" is up for sale. She thinks that they should buy it as it is selling for $1.5 million. Viz tells a story about 'sack tapping' and the increasing trend in high schools.