Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 10-13-10 Part 3



In part 3 they talk to the good Dr. Jallen Rix. Viz gives Dr. Rix a hard time about his dressing up like Peter Pan for the Folsom Street Fair. Dr. Rix tells the story behind the costume. Viz probes and finds out more about The Radical Fairies in the process. Viz tells Dr. Rix that he is envious and jealous. He wants to live one day as Dr. Rix. Viz probes him on role playing, since they are talking about dressing in costumes and the place for it in the bedroom. Viz asks Dr. Rix for advice and help for getting Annie laid. She admits one of her fantasies. Viz tells the story on why he feels like he does not have sex as often as he used to with his partner. The conversation turns into some role playing possibilities for Viz. After the break Viz tells Annie about a story that he found regarding a Kevin Bacon bust made of bacon. They also talk to Jeffrey Altergott about his video for 'It Gets Better' and the song he wrote along with it.