Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 10-27-10 Part 1



Annie tells a story about how she got in an argument and raised her voice with her daytime boss. They think she is passive aggressive and she thinks mildly if at all. Viz tells a story about how he thinks he is an idiot boss. He also tells Annie the reason he is a bit tired. He talks about tornado alarms and how they kept him up all night. After the break they start talking about upcoming guest Austin Jennings being in the chat room. Annie mentions a Mexican day of the dead that she wants to participate in. Viz mentions the Thriller dance that he and Annie were to participate in. Viz says he can't dance and Annie thinks he should take dance lessons. Viz tells the story about dancing at weddings and how he can't. Viz asks Annie if most chicks think it's hot that two guys are having sex. Annie mentions that she was at a funeral for a family member who died of twisted bowel. Viz wonders how this is possible and give s a rundown on what causes twisted bowel and its symptoms.