Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 12-08-10 Part 1



The show starts off with a very important Viz observation about dogs. Viz also has a theory about Annie and what goes on in her home life. Annie states that there is a bit of clutter at her home and Viz asks if she is a hoarder. Based upon the information he is told from Annie he believes that she is a hoarder and doesn't want to admit it. He tries to motivate her and tells her that he wants to go to her house so she needs to straighten it out. Annie tells the story that even as a child she was a bit of a clutter bug. Viz hates clutter and explains why so he feels like he needs to support her and help her become less of a hoarder and clutter bug. She explains that she even gets disturbed by the show "Hoarders" and tells Viz a story about one of the episodes she watched. After the break Viz states that radio people are childish based on something he and Annie were discussing on break. This leads to a revisit of the conversation related to the Chase Brooks abandonment of the station. Viz also makes an announcem