Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 12-08-10 Part 2



In part 2, Viz gives Annie a bit of a hard time about the scheduled guest Athena Reich not calling in at the correct time. Annie brings up the fact that it was 30 years ago that John Lennon was killed. Viz tries to bring up some audio that was on a Monday Night Football game about the announcement of his death from a television clip when Athena Reich called in. They talk to her about her current album called "Little Girl Dreams" and other projects including playing Lady Gaga at a Gala and also her upcoming gay soap opera she is starring in which similar to Melrose Place called "16th and 8th". For some reason Viz brings up gay marriage and hyphenated names and the complications in naming children. Athena ties it in and tells a story about a gay couple and lesbian couple that ended up having a child together. After the break Viz mentions that he is trying to come up with a Viz version of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" and the chat room calls it the "Twelve Days of Vizmas". The chat room and Annie also come up