Ranger Danger: A Power Rangers Podcast

MMPR 40: Doomsday Part II



This week on the podcast, it's DOOMSDAY! AGAIN! BECAUSE IT'S EPISODE DOOMSDAY PART 2! OF MIGHTY MORPHIN' POWER RANGERS! DOOOOOOOOOOM! Here's some of what goes down: Kelsey sends us our most comprehensive fan mail yet! Your move, Branden and John! We misunderstand American culture! High five for cultural ignorance! Kelsey breaks down for us the many of Wizard of Oz references in Power Rangers that we somehow totally missed. Time to hand in our Power Rangers Expert badges :( We lament the eternal lack of MegaZordOn. You might notice that this description isn't mentioning what happens in the actual TV episode so much. That's because it's a big poop. Sorry guys. Hopefully listening to our podcast episode is more enjoyable than watching the damn thing. Case in point: Titanus' death from the last episode is reversed by the show's editors literally just playing the footage of his death in reverse. I wish this was a joke. Spoiler warning: To give us a small something to stop us rage quitting the show,