Ranger Danger: A Power Rangers Podcast

MMPR 56: On Fins and Needles



We're walking ON FINS AND NEEDLES on the podcast this week, as we watch the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode of that name with Paisley! Here's some of what goes down: Want a buttload of talk about comics? We sure hope so because that's watcha gonna get! But really though, we uncover something that (if you're familiar with comic history) will probably blow your god damned socks right off. Seriously. It's the first time (and hopefully the last) will namecheck Ayn Rand on the show. We get a bit into the Austin St John v Jason David Frank rivalry. Fairly and objectively. Having said that, ASJ4LIFE. The Rangers assemble the Power Blaster, form up, charge the cannon, fire, and… miss?? Well, that was unexpected. And a little pitiable. We make a formal request for a new season - Power Rangers: Pirate Knights. Time to start an online petition, maybe? AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!