She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

117: Jenipher Lyn, Artist, Illustrator + Writer



Today’s episode is sponsored by Katie Williamsen Web & Social Media Consulting. Are you a lady boss who is ready for your website and social media to finally start creating real results for your business? Schedule a web or social media strategy call today! Stop feeling overwhelmed and make effective changes for your business. Learn how to attract your dream audience and turn them into loyal fans. Learn more here: Jenipher Lyn is  an illustrator who specializes in whimsical, punny illustrations. She is currently writing & illustrating an encouraging book for girls and women. She strives to save the world, one doodle at a time! Jenipher's definition of success: "ultimately for me, money is part of it but it's not the success term for me - i would rather do something I love and make less money and eat more pasta and peanut butter and jelly than do something that isn't true to myself." Things we chat about with Jenipher: life not being perfect rejection can help m