Cutv News Radio

Episode 572: CUTV News Radio spotlights real estate expert and author Judith Dickson



Hartford, CT – Buying a new home is the most important purchase you’re ever going to make. And the most complex. It’s difficult enough to find your dream home. You must also choose a realtor an inspector, a mortgage originator, an appraiser and a closing attorney. The process is fraught with important decisions, any one of which could derail the purchase. Judith Dickson is the author of A Successful and Proven Guide for the First-Time Homebuyer: Putting it All Together. Dickson’s book provides first-time homebuyers with all the information they could need to navigate the process of buying a home. “I purchased a condominium three years ago and it was an education in itself,” recalls Dickson. There’s a process you have to go through, which we didn’t even know. Through this experience I decided to write a book for people who were first-time home buyers.” A Successful and Proven Guide for the First-Time Homebuyer: Putting it All Together offers tips to becoming a competent home-buyer. It can help you find a good