Drop The Stones

Chapter 1 | Drop The Stones (Audio Book)



This is a small gift for the Drop The Stones podcast family. The book comes out Sept. 19th but I wanted to share the audio version of Chapter 1 with you here. It's short and sweet and different to what we usually do here at the podcast but I know you'll enjoy it. For our Patreon partners, once the full audio is done... you will receive the official version (plus a signed copy of the book) as a benefit for your partnership.  If you're not a Patreon yet... Join them at Patreon.com/HappySonship   You can pre-order the book today at:   - The Happy Givers: https://thehappygivers.com/products/drop-the-stones-signed-copy - Amazon: http://amzn.to/2v5VlSw - Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/drop-the-stones-carlos-a-rodr-guez/1126293111?ean=9781629119083 - Books-A-Million: http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Drop-Stones/Carlos-A-Rodrguez/9781629119083?id=6945983112204 - Powell’s: http://www.powells.com/book/drop-the-stones-9781629119083/61-0