Crank Journal

Getting Blown by Irma while Driving



Well, this is different, and probably in a bad way! What is assaulting your cochleae is Michael describing what he's seeing as he drives around in his beloved Subaru B4 RSK right before Hurricane Irma tears through Orlando, making this his first solo podcast, his first driving while recording podcast, and his first podcast in a hurricane! In fact, Michael has uploaded this episode using his phone's hotspot, because he has no telecom at his house, and his computer is running off a generator, because he has no power at his house. He feels that he should get blown for his badassery... and by an actual woman, not a hurricane named after one. He talks about the weird noise coming from his rear wiper motor, the fact that 100 octane race fuel is the only reason his tank is brimmed, and he answers some snarky Facebook questions.