The Toefl Podcast

5 Skills You Need To Master To Get 26+ On TOEFL Speaking



In a new episode of The TOEFL Podcast, Paul Austin, head instructor at TOEFL Speaking Teacher speaks about the five skills you need to master to get 26+ on the TOEFL Speaking section. First, Paul tells us about his work and how he created his website Toefl Speaking Teacher. He noticed that many students struggled with the TOEFL Speaking section, and there were very few good resources. Also as he started to work with the students on the Speaking section, he noticed that a lot of students needed to get 26+ on the TOEFL Speaking section and tried to figure out what is required to get 26 on TOEFL Speaking. As a result of his experience, he found the five skills you need to master to get 26+ on the TOEFL Speaking section. The first skill is Fluency. Fluency is your ability to deliver a response smoothly, with minimum interruptions. Skill number two is TOEFL Speaking Tactics: Timing, Content, Organization, and Note-taking. The third thing Words and Phrases. You want to show the evaluator that you can speak English