Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV Ep #18: The #1 Sales Funnel You Should Be Using In Your Business


Synopsis Transcription: How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community where I help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers. Today I'm back with another training where I actually have just finished up a community training, so I had the team on the line and we're there for an hour, and I was going through several different things that are working right now for us in our business. Some of them are already implementing and achieving amazing results, which I'm pretty stoked about, of course, but I wanted to share one of these methods with you. I guess it's more of the over-arching topic of it, because I'm sure you can go away and run with it. It's this concept, and I don't want to say it straight away because I know what you're going to think. You're going to go, "Well that just makes sense, Brett. That's just common sense." I want to make sure that you're not using the