On Middle Ground Podcast

The Problem with Flash Cards and What to Do Instead [003]



Rote memorization has been the go-to method for many years along with tricks with fingers, songs, timed tests, and the like.  It works for a select few kids, but for a large population of students, flash cards are failing them because it doesn’t draw upon the way the brain learns, which is through the senses.   This is the problem with MOST math instruction and the biggest issue with flash cards.  Come see what to do instead over at Math for Middles Episode 3.   If you enjoyed this episode of Math for Middles, you won't want to miss our next episode with Michelle Icard, author of Michelle in the Middle.   Take a minute and leave me a rating on iTunes.  This helps other parents find me too.  On Middle Ground Podcast is just getting started.  You'll hear more tips for helping your tweens and teens excel in school and life.