True Crime All The Time

Oscar Pistorius



Oscar Pistorius was a famous athlete who inspired millions because he was the first amputee to compete in an Olympic track event. Less than a year after competing in the London Olympics, he was arrested and charged with the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Oscar claimed he mistook Reeva for an intruder that night, but prosecutors believed the shooting resulted from an argument between the two. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the case against Oscar Pistorius. There was only one person left alive that night to tell their side of the story: Oscar. But the police didn't believe his story, and he changed the details of it several times. The case caused a media firestorm, and to this day, there are people who have differing opinions on what happened that night. You can help support the show at the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information.An Emash Digital productionSee Privacy Policy at