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Rediscovering Cool: How to Find Yourself in Motherhood and Making the Most of Your Time with Lizzy Mathis, Founder of The Cool Mom Co.



Lizzy Mathis is a cool mom of three who wears many different hats. From modeling and acting to today's roles as founder, editor-in-chief, podcast interviewer, and television producer. There’s not much that Lizzy can’t do. After losing herself early on in motherhood, Lizzy struggled to find a diverse, inclusive online space that talked about the things she cared about. To find herself, Lizzy founded the blog The Cool Mom Co. and her podcast The Cool Mom Code Podcast followed soon after. Using other cool mom's stories as inspiration, Lizzy's podcast explores the intersection of womanhood and motherhood and offers answers to the age-old question, “How does she do it? ” Throughout the process, Lizzy has learned that time is our most important resource, and for something to be a hell-yes it has to absolutely be worth her time. Be sure to check out her latest project Honest Renovations, a television show she co-creates, co-produces, and co-hosts with her bestie Jessica Alba. Thanks for listening!  Don&#