Askdeveloper Podcast

EP87 - AskDeveloper Podcast - كيف تبني استراتيجية للذكاء الصناعي مع د لمياء يوسف



في لقاء اليوم حنكمل حديثنا عن الذكاء الصناعي, و النهاردة في لقاءنا مع د لمياء يوسف حنتكلم عن سؤال الذكاء الصناعي اللي بيواجه أغلب المؤسسات و الشركات حالياً و ازاي بيتم تطوير استراتيجيات الذكاء الصناعي للاجابة عن السؤال ده. Dr. Lamia Youseff has been working in AI / ML / Cloud for ~25 years, in both Executive AI Engineering roles at BigTech (Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook) and in research positions in academia (MIT, Stanford, UCSB). Most notably, she is one of the founding engineers of Google Cloud (GCP), an $10B+ ARR Product for Google. Recently at Apple, she led a multi-billion-dollar revenue-generating AI product as Director of AI engineering, leading a team of 150 AI and MLops engineers. Before that, she led Facebook's ML Platform, used for AI workloads across all Facebook family of products. She is also a founding engineer of Google Cloud and a former principal at Microsoft Azure. She is currently the CEO of JazzComputing, an AI Advisory firm, a visiting research scientist at Stanford University