Stem Everyday

STEM Everyday #257 | STEM & Art | feat. Gareth Campbell



Gareth Campbell is a Bristol based artist and former secondary school science teacher who founded The Museum of Science, the Arts & Interdisciplinary Collaboration (The MoSAIC) in 2022 to address a problem in the education system that frustrated him.  "Science is not seen as a creative subject in schools, even worse my experience as a teacher showed me that our current rigid curriculum fails to show students the beautiful, and essential, connections that exist between disciplines.  All of the greatest scientists have had to be creative to innovate. STEM industries are desperate for creative employees willing to explore outside the box. And students crave context to connect with their internal motivation to learn. Many students found it eye opening to have a science teacher that also worked as an artist, and often it made them rethink their own career paths."The MoSAIC is providing both educators and learners with unique resources, training and in-person workshops that help to bridge the gap betw