Stem Everyday

STEM Everyday #258 | VEX Robotics for Better STEM | feat. Lauren Harter



Career technical education and workforce development has arguably never been more important than it is now, due the rapidly changing landscape. With things like innovation and AI happening so quickly, it becomes more important for educators to prepare students for the changing work environment through early STEM integration that continues through a student’s academic career. By the time they reach high school, most students have already decided whether or not they think science and math are ‘cool’. That's why the VEX Continuum begins with Kindergarten and spans through a child's career. Starting with intuitive tool-less systems, then snapping together robots and graduating to advanced metal robots, VEX Robotics can unlock a curiosity and a passion that will stay with them for a lifetime.No one knows that more than Lauren Harter, Director of Instructional Technology for VEX Robotics! She has dedicated her professional career to developing robust educational tools for teacher support from Kinder to Co