Curious Fox Podcast

Fox Tales: Two Relationships, Two Homes, One Big Change with Jacqueline Misla



How do you break out from societal norms? What does it take to design a relationship that we can thrive in? What happens when you open your mind to all the possibilities? In this week’s episode, we bring you another installment of Fox Tales: stories of people who are living, loving and connecting in unique ways. Jacqueline balances a life with her daughter, her wife, and her partner living between two homes. Jacqueline tells the story of how she went from a hetero-mono-normative marriage, to this very unique parallel poly vee relationship. More about JacquelineJacqueline Misla is a queer, Latine, mother, polyamorous partner, writer, podcaster, and change strategist. She works with companies and individuals to create pathways towards audacious and impactful change. Jacqueline holds a Master's Degree in Social Work, and is certified in Complex Change Theory and Strategic Visioning.Support the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacqueli