Element Christian Church

Parables Week Two - Rich Man & Lazarus: The Summum Bonum



Parables are (very broadly), “a fictitious narrative that would generally refer to something that might naturally occur, by which spiritual and moral matters might be conveyed.” There is no end to the speculation that centers on the parable that Jesus tells today. People get caught up in various theories, asking, “Is it really a parable or a true story? Is Jesus trying to tell us what the afterlife looks like? Is this a commentary about wealth and poverty being reversed in the future life?” This is not a parable (primarily) about riches and poverty, though there are many things in Luke 16 that can relate to how we see our money and stuff. There is more going on and we must take a step back and look at the picture language and ultimately Jesus’ own work in the world. WATCH FULL SERVICE ON YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES HERE