Iron Culture

Ep. 292 - Cutting Edge Research on Volume, Protein & Cardio



Research moves slow, well, at least slower than we wish it did. But, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t also produce paradigm shifts that shake up practice. In this episode Dr. Helms and Dr. Trexler sit down to answer questions using research, most of which that is actually still in the publication process and not yet available. This research will have a major impact on the future of practice in nutrition, as it relates to protein while dieting, training, as it relates to how much volume lifters perform, and cardio, for both training and health. You don’t want to miss this cutting edge research Q&A! 00:00 Can Trexler get out of the old school matrix? And an insight into scientific publishing Helms 2014 Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation Helms 2015 Recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: resistance and cardiovascular training 05:46 Getti