Disruptive Ceo Nation

Episode 264: Rocking the Utilities Paradigm while Building a Brand for the Future with Supratim Srinivasan, CEO & Co-Founder of Atma Energy; San Antonio, Texas



Supratim Srinivasan is deeply concerned about the fragility of the electrical utilities industry, so he is doing something about it. As an engineer with a strong background in finance, he co-founded Atma Energy to make distributed energy resources like solar and energy storage more accessible to the individual homeowner and business owner while at the same time enabling them to capitalize on surplus power that they may be generating. This development of virtual power plant programs leverages and aggregates individual energy sites into a robust, utility-supportive fleet. This innovative approach enhances grid resilience, especially during natural disasters, and facilitates a transition towards a more sustainable and distributed energy model. Highlights of our conversation: - Supratim is on a mission to provide clean energy solutions, especially in vulnerable regions like Texas. - Visionary leadership and belief are crucial in tackling the problem of making solar energy more accessible even in remote areas