
Galatians 3:1-5 – Faith or Foolishness?



The Galatian churches had fallen into a critical error by adding obedience to the mosaic law as an essential component of the Christian life. Paul explains why this is such a grave mistake and recalls how it has been dealt with elsewhere in chapters 1 & 2. In chapters 3 & 4 he goes on to present 6 arguments to convince the Galatians that they have made a foolish choice in turning away from a salvation that is by faith alone in Christ alone. The first of these arguments is a personal one. He reminds them of their own experience of salvation. He takes them back to the wonderful news of Christ’s death and resurrection and the priceless gift of the Holy Spirit who they received when they placed their trust in Christ. Why would we turn away from such a wonderful gift of grace and start placing conditions on God’s acceptance of us and on our acceptance of one another that are based on our worthiness instead of on Christ’s?