Kettle Whistle Radio

Kettle Whistle Radio # 302 Norwegian Soft Kitten



Norwegian Soft Kitten slashes out with vicious irreverence to conformity, challenging any alt-rock genre while encompassing the best facets of every rock genre. THEY ROCK. You may find yourself asking Alan Greene (drums, vocals, etc) and Glenn Berggoetz why they defy the norm and somehow come out with amazingly tantalizing releases that will make any music maestro shrug with confusion, while the headbanger nods approval and the progressive lyrical geniuses laugh with belly guffaws and ask themselves, "why didn't I think of that?" In their own words: Aimless two-piece rock and/or roll outfit. Glenn pitches ideas and Alan sighs disapprovingly (also vice versa). Sometimes we warm your body, and sometimes we melt just the face part of your body. Thank you for providing your body. #kettlewhistleradio #davidjfairhead #norwegiansoftkitten #NSKband #altrocknow #gushmusic #experimentalmusic #amazinglyrics #lyricalgenius #twopeicebands #aggressionlevelmedium #musicpodcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaph