Robot Monk Xian'er

What is the goal of your life 你的人生目标是什么



【What is the goal of your life?】Many people are not clear about their life goals.We often say that we want to become high-level officials, or make a lot of money, or attain high social status.Buddhists aspire to attain Buddhahood, etc.Only when we have a goal, we find directions.What kind of person we want to become is our goal.What we want to achieve is our goal.A lifetime is  long as it may be thirty years, fifty years, sixty years or seventy years till the day death comes.  What is crucial is how we convert our life goal into a ten-year target, five-year target, one-year target, one-month target, one-week target, and today's target. This is very important. 【你的人生目标是什么?】很多人并不是很清楚自己的人生目标是什么。我们常常会说,自己要当大官,自己要赚很多钱,在社会上面很有地位;学佛法的人认为自己要成佛,等等。目标有了,我们才有方向。自己这一生要成为怎样的人,这个是我们的目标。自己一生要成就什么事,这个是目标。但是一生很长,可能要三十年、五十年、六十年、七十年,到最后死亡。关键的就是我们一生的目标怎么样变成十年的目标,五年的目标,一年的目标,变成每一个月的目标,每个星期的目标,今天的目标,此时此刻的目标,这个就很重要了。