Robot Monk Xian'er

Letting go of self is the best way to accumulate merits



【Letting go of self is the best way to accumulate merits】While dealing with others, those who are willing to let go of temporary interest or emotional disputes step back voluntarily to leave room for others.They are with grand vision and vast capacity in mind as they don't emphasize too much on self but understand how to respect self and others. Therefore, they accumulate more merits and virtue. The way to merit accumulation lies in kind-heartedness, generosity, gratitude, and cherishing one's blessings. On the contrary, greed, harshness and narrow-mindedness, complaints, and squandering one's blessings are ways to merit dissipation. 【放下自我,是最大的积福之道】在人与人的相处中,肯放得下一时的利益或意气纷争,不咄咄逼人,事事占先,而甘心后退一步,让人几分。能真心这样做的人,心中不把自己放得太重,凡事懂得为自他留出空间,目光更长远,心胸更宽广,自然福德愈厚。积福之道,就是乐善好施、心胸宽广、常怀感恩、节俭惜福;损福之行,就是贪婪悭吝、刻薄狭隘、怨天尤人、挥霍浪费。