Robot Monk Xian'er

How to lead a team 如何带领团队



【how to lead a team】Leading a team is not to manage everyone's behavior, but to bring out their aspiration and mitigate relationships. A team with shared mission and mutual respect is of greatest potential and strength. To lead, one must first learn to follow.  Being the 1st one to do rather than giving out orders. An excellent leader must be visionary, generous, and skillful at utilizing everyone's strength and making the best of it.如何带领团队带领团队,不是去管理团队中每个人的行为,而是要启发每个人的发心,调节成员关系。一个同心同愿同行、互相信任的团队,是最有力量的。要领众,首先要随众,带头去做事,而不是总发号施令,自己不干。优秀的团队负责人还应有大局观,有包容心,善于发挥每个人的所长,把大家的优点做加法。