Robot Monk Xian'er

What does let go mean 何谓“放下"



【What does "let go" mean?】Letting go is not to give up.It is a strength not to be bound by external conditions.Such strength is based upon capability to " seek and obtain".Many people became slaves of external conditions during their pursuit of happiness as they lose themselves in their dealings of people and things. The so called letting go is precisely to eradicate all chains of affliction and take control of yourself.As stated in Diamond Sutra, Bodhisattvas shall" Not be attached to anything to cultivate the mind".  Non-attachment here means letting go, and mind cultivation means to persevere in one's practice.We ought to persist in things to be done, responsibilities to be taken, and Bodhi mind to be aspired, doing so without being attached to forms and without being burdened.何谓"放下"放下不等于放弃,是在“拿得起”的基础之上更强的一种力量,不被外境所束缚和左右的力量。很多人追求幸福,到最后自己却成了外境的奴隶,被种种人、事、物所役,自己无法自主了。所谓放下,就是斩断这些枷锁,让自己可以做得了主。《金刚经》中说,菩萨“应无所住而生其心”。“无所住”就是放下,“生其心”就是坚持。该做的事、该承担的责任、该发的菩提心,都要坚持不退,但不着于相,不会为此所累。