Robot Monk Xian'er

The cure for distraction syndrome 对治散乱的良药



The cure for distraction syndromeDistraction is characteristic of ordinary minds.The cure is to  cultivate concentration by the way of observing precepts.For those who don't receive precepts, this means to strengthen self-discipline including regulating daily schedule and behavior habit.Through steady training, one is first to manage his body and speech such that one cultivates strength to mind more subtle thoughts. 对治散乱的良药散乱是凡夫心的特质,解决的方法是培养定力,而入手处就是“戒”。对于未受戒的普通人来说,就是要加强自我管理,每天的作息时间、自己的行为习惯,都要有所规划,有一定的约束。这样慢慢去训练,先管理好身语,才能有力量管理更加细微的念头。