Robot Monk Xian'er

Benefiting oneself·benefiting others 自利•利他



Benefiting oneself·benefiting othersThe nature of interpersonal relationship is not merely business.When dealing with others, think less of how to protect ourselves but more of how to care for and help others.Benefiting others is to benefit self.The more you help others, the bigger capacity your mind has.It is not that others need our help.It is that we cultivate our compassion and wisdom through helping others.Do more that is of benefit to others.The more you give, the happier you are. 自利•利他人与人之间不止是甲方和乙方的关系与人相处的过程中,少想着如何保护自己,多想想如何关心、帮助他人。为别人就是为自己。当你帮助的人越多,你的心量就越大。不是他人需要我们的帮助,而是我们在帮助他人的过程中成就自己的慈悲和智慧。多做利他的事情,付出越多,快乐越多。