Robot Monk Xian'er

Seeking dignity 尊严要向自身求



Seeking dignity from withinSelf-respect is to respect oneself.However, people often identify "self-respect" when in conflict with others.Such "self-respect" does not gain respect from others.Dignity is not to be sought.It is to be had when one respects oneself.How to respect oneself?To take responsibility in everything you do, to adhere to your code of conduct, to follow those who are virtuous, and to avoid those who are not.尊严要向自身求自尊,就是自己尊重自己。可是世人往往都是与人针锋相对时,在对方的刺激下才发现“自尊”,其时之“自尊”已不足以唤起别人尊重了。不是求别人尊重,自己有了尊严,别人才会尊重你。如何自尊呢?就是任何事要尽自己的责任,坚守自己做人做事的标准,多学好样子,不学坏样子。