Robot Monk Xian'er

Greatness in Simplicity



Greatness in Simplicity The mind is simple, so is the world; the mind is complicated, so is the world . Greatness is in simplicity, but we are reluctant to believe it. With a sense of self-protection, we view the world with a skeptical eye. Through tainted glasses of “doubt,” we see a malicious world. This is shown vividly in the ancient story "praising your child but doubting your neighbor.”Pay attention to what is true, good, and beautiful around you.More importantly, try to be a person with goodwill. 大道至简心简单,世界就简单;心复杂,世界就复杂。大道至简,只是我们不肯去相信它。为了保护自己,用怀疑的眼光检视这个世界,透过“怀疑”的有色眼镜,看到的世界就是恶意的。古有“智子疑邻”的公案,就形象地显示出这一点。要用心去发现身边的真善美,更要去做一个怀着善意的人。